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Grapes & their harvest seasons

Table grapes are intended for consumption while they're still fresh. They are different from grapes grown for wine consumption, juice production, or for drying into raisins.


There are many varieties of table grapes. They come with and without seeds and also exist in many colors, sizes, sweetness, and adaptability to local growing conditions.


Ozone brings MRLs of fungicides and pesticides down within limits - featured at FreshPlaza

Restrictions on the use of pesticides and fungicides are becoming increasingly stringent. In some cases, changes to Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) are made by governments overnight, putting a lot of pressure on growers and exporters. “Most of the pressure is coming from the European Union,” says Christian DeBlasio, CEO of Purfresh. “They are one of the most stringent government groups when it comes to acceptable MRLs on produce.”


Avocado market. Current situation, trends & Forecast

The avocado is a fruit whose status as a superfood is driving its ever-increasing demand for consumption. This fruit thrives in tropical climate conditions and is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and monounsaturated fats. The avocado is unique amongst fruit because of its healthy fat content which helps lower bad cholesterol.


World's Fresh Fruit Supply During Coronavirus Crisis

At seven months into 2020 and in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, as humankind, we continue to reconfigure our lives. The measures to stop the spread of the virus crippled the world economy. Most industries remain inactive as we develop safety protocols to resume activities.


As of today, we are fortunate to have available food at most supermarkets around the country, but that situation can change at any moment.


El mercado global de blueberries. Perú se perfila como el líder.

El mercado global de blueberries funciona durante todo el año gracias al escalonamiento en los periodos de producción de los países que los siembran, al ser una fruta que está disponible todo el año, también aumenta la preferencia por su consumo y la oportunidad de hacer negocios con ella. La producción mundial de blueberries es tan constante, que continua activa a pesar de la pandemia ocasionada por el Covid 19, que sigue mostrando sus efectos tras casi 8 meses desde que inició en Wuhan, China.

How 3 American Technology Companies are Adapting to Help During the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest crisis inciters in recent humankind history.
While it is true that medical technology has advanced enough to come up with solutions in
real-time around the world, the truth is that 2020 has ended for us all as it will take at least 18
months to find a viable vaccine.

To date, there are over two million confirmed cases worldwide and a little over 140,000 deaths,
a number which modifies by the hour. Needless to say, that the pandemic will bring a deep
economic crisis.

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